Saturday, June 29, 2013


There are lots of prehistoric creatures in the world.But none are quite amazing as Megalodon. This was a prehistoric nightmare that haunts the seas.They are a massive 60 feet.They ate anything they wanted.But they mostly ate whales and large fish.Looking at this picture,you see what I mean.But one question still remains. Do they still exist?I say they probably do.Many people saw sightings of it,and its a big ocean.Anything can live in it.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Nile Monitor Lizard

The Nile Monitor is a largely an aquatic lizard and one of the most biggest lizards in Africa , Sub-Saharan Africa that is. Their size is up to 8 feet (2.4 meters).It has tough skin,which is covered with bead-like scales,and nostrils located high up on their nose-an adaptation for swimming.They eat frogs, toads, rodents, birds and their eggs, fish, reptiles, beetles, crabs, earthworms, slugs, spiders, caterpillars, and millipedes.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Indian Pangolin

Indian Pangolins are covered with armor-like scales  made out of clumps of hair.They live India, Eastern Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.They have a strong stomach wall and a long and they have no teeth in their mouths.They eat mostly termites,but if times are tough,they'll eat ants too.They can weigh up to 77 pounds.