Sunday, March 31, 2013

Leatherback Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtles have the record of being the largest turtle on earth.These majestic creatures can grow to the sizes of 7 feet(2 meters).The average amount they spend living on earth is approximately 45 years.This turtle may look like a plant eater,but it is a carnivore.The Leatherback Sea Turtle is currently on the endangered species list.

Friday, March 29, 2013

White-Tailed Deer

The White-Tailed Deer are obviously deer with white tails.But its what the deer uses its tail for.Whenever a White-Tailed Deer senses Danger like the Bobcat,it raises its white tail as a warning to the other White-Tailed Deer.In the deer family,young deer are called fawns,mothers are called does and fathers are called bucks.And does usually give birth to 1-3 fawns at a time.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Secretary Bird

The Secretary Bird-it looks harmless but it is a bird of prey.These long-legged creatures live in the Sub-Saharan Africa.This bird doesn't migrate anywhere(maybe because it might not even snow in Africa).They eat lots of insects and small sized mammals.Sometimes it even eats venomous snakes!Its height is 90-130 centimeters.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spotted Eagle Ray

It's hard to believe this creature is a type of fish,right?Well it has gills so it is a type of fish.Though it feeds in shallow water,the Spotted Eagle Ray swims long distances through the open water-often in large shoals(schools).This ray was named Spotted Eagle Ray because of the graceful way it swims,when it does swim,it looks like it's flying.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Paradise Tree Snake

Imagine a snake flying.....sounds like it flies for a second and crashes,right?Well feast your eyes on the 4 foot(1.2 meters)Paradise Tree Snake.These snakes can't actually fly,but they can glide when a draft of wind comes.It also seems Paradise Tree Snakes glide better than their animal cousins,the Flying Squirrels.These snakes are found from western India to the Indonesian archipelago.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

African Lion

Lions are by far the most social species of cat.They live in social family groups,or in other words called prides.The females are related and will often nurse each other.Only male lions have manes.But male lions are not the ones who hunt food.It's actually the female lions that hunt food like Zebras.They live obviously in Africa.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Harpy Eagle

Harpy Eagles are giant birds,I mean like a large eagle,not a Diatryma(a Diatryma is a ginormous bird the size of trees when the dinosaurs lived).They build huge nests-the size of a double bed!They build these gigantic nests on the high treetops.Parents raise one chick at a time and take turns hunting for monkeys,sloths and opossums,which they snatch from tree branches and rip into tiny bits to feed to the chick.After a few weeks the chicks are ready for flight.

Whale Shark

The Whale Shark is the biggest fish alive.It measures up to 40 feet(12 meters) in length with an average weight of 41,200 pounds(18,688 kilograms).If you saw this ginormous Whale Shark,you would be swimming like a maniac.But lucky for you,this is a ocean fish.Not only that,this fish doesn't even eat meat,well it kind of does.It eats plankton and some other small fish.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

American Crocodile

American Crocodiles bury their eggs in the ground or in mounded nests near water and guard them from predators.When the babies are ready to hatch,they make squeaking noises inside their eggs.This is the female  crocodile's cue to dig up her nest,crack open the eggs,and carry the hatchlings to the water-in her mouth! Newborn crocodiles are about the size of a Snickers bar and munch on small fish,tadpoles,insects,and snails.

Arctic Wolf

Most Wolves are afraid of humans-if they sense a human's presence they'll try to hide somewhere.But these wolves are Arctic Wolves,where can they hide?That's why they run away if they see humans.They eat Arctic Hares and Musk Oxen.Summer time is the best time to spot Arctic Wolves,their white fur stands out in the brown and green tundra,and you can see them from miles.Arctic Wolves live in groups called packs.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Great Blue Heron

For better aerodynamics in flight,the Great Blue Heron curls its long neck into an S shape.These grayish-blue birds have rust-colored feathers on their thighs,green legs,and a black band above their eyes.They eat fish,frogs and invertebrates.They're size is 3.2 to 4.5 feet(1 to 1.3 meters).They live in North,South and Central America and the Caribbean.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Great White Shark

The ultimate Great White Shark seems like a monster to us,it seems like it wants to eat us.But that's only in movies.The real Great White Shark just eats humans because it mistakes them for seals or dolphins.The Great White Shark is the biggest predatory fish (at the time being).They grow up to be 20 feet(6 meters).They weigh about 5,000 pounds(2,268 kilograms).They may be gray at the top, but its their white underbellies how they got their name.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Frilled Lizard

When the unique Frilled Lizard gets frightened or scared,it unfurls its colorful "frilled mane" and hisses .It got its name from that frill that it has.This makes it look bigger and scarier so it might scare some animals away. If  not, it runs without looking back until it gets the safety of a tree.They live in the forests of Australia.They eat spiders,ants,termites,cicadas and other small lizards.

Siberian Tiger

Siberian(also known as Amur)Tigers are the biggest of the big cats,actually,they're the biggest cats of all cats.They live in eastern Russia,but some live in China and Korea.They are carnivorous mammals that weigh about 660 lbs(300 kg).Siberian Tigers travel many miles to find prey such as elks,deer and wild boars.Siberian tigers are also an endangered species.

Peregrine Falcon

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal on the earth,with their amazing dive they reach speeds of 200 miles per hour(320 kilometers an hour).These birds are birds of prey,so they eat other birds including bats which are mammals.Peregrine Falcons live on all continents except for Antarctica.These birds' name means the "wanderer".This is not the biggest Falcon though,the Gyrfalcon is bigger.