Thursday, July 12, 2018

Northern Cardinal

You might assume that all Cardinals are a bright red, but that is actually incorrect. Cardinals can also come in other colors such as green and yellow. Even female Northern Cardinals are have duller beaks and faded red bodies. Male Northern Cardinals are the ones most commonly thought of with their bright red feathers and beak. Anyway, these birds reside in most of North America, but concentrated in the United States. They typically eat common bird food such as seeds or small insects and spiders. Its wingspan is about 12 inches and its body length is 9 inches. Northern Cardinals are also very territorial so they try to defend what is considered "their" territory to the best of their ability. They have even been reported to attack their reflections in a mirror if they feel threatened.

Image result for red cardinal

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

3-Toed Sloth

The 3-Toed Sloth is a herbivore that resides in the Amazon Rain forest. It moves very slowly as all sloths do, and it can grow only about 2 feet long. Their claws have such a good grip that some sloths have been reported to have been found dead hanging on to branch with their claws.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Deinosuchus was an extinct alligator in the age of the dinosaurs. Most of them grow up to 50 ft long! It lived in the Cretaceous time period in the Mesozoic era. It was a fearsome predator and it ate anything that came to close to the water. Although it is dead now, its species lived on as the modern American Alligator.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Red Kangaroo

The Red Kangaroo has a pouch, that, we all know that. Most of us are aware that it is a marsupial as well. But do you know that a baby kangaroo is, at first, smaller than a cherry? Also they can grow sizes up to 3.5 to 5.5 feet and they can weigh up to 200 lbs. No wonder they're so jumpy! Also, they sometimes have fights to see who's the BOSS.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Mekong Giant Catfish

The Mekong Giant Catfish is the biggest catfish AND also one of the biggest freshwater fish. It can weigh up to 660 pounds and can grow to sizes such as 10 feet! It may sound big and bad but it is actually a pretty harmless fish, it doesn't have teeth either. It's color varies from grey to white, and has residence in the Mekong River from which it gets its name.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Giant Panda

Giant Pandas are a type of bear that is facing extinction. They say there only about 1,600 left in the wild, but about 300 in captivity. They currently live in China, specifically in the mountain regions. They can also grow up to 250-220 pounds along with sizes up to 6 feet. Although they have an addiction for bamboo, they are actually omnivores giving them the ability to eat meat as well.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Red & Green Macaw

Red & Green Macaws like most parrots visit cliffs where they eat bits of clay and other minerals that help with digestion. These Macaws eat lots of foods that include toxins. They grow up to 3 feet, and they regularly eat a variety of fruits, nuts and seeds. They are very colorful, and I honestly think they should be called Red and Blue Macaws.